Tuesday, June 9, 2015

FOODQT: Arroz con leche Helados

I've been addicted to making Helados or ice pops for my family. It started out as a diet alternative, we got rid of the ice cream in my house. Summer is right around the corner, so some delicious ice treats are perfect for a hot summer day. Im making flavors I grew up with, a rice pudding treat. Arroz con leche is flavor for reminiscent childhood memories.

2 C of white steam rice (1 day old, cold)
4 cups of milk ( I used fat free)
1 tsp of ground cinnamon
1 tsp of vanilla
Sugar or honey to taste
a good blender
1 pot

1. Combine all ingredients in pot and let come to a small boil, for 5-8 mins.
2. Slowly place in blender, add a little more sugar or cinnamon if needed. Blend until smooth.
3. You can soft if you like, but mixture will be thick. Place in cups, ice pop molds, or baggies.

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